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Sunday, June 12, 2011

6 Steps to really help you in reducing belly fat:

It’s that time of year again, and also maybe that age if you are in your forties or even fifties like me, where your belly fat can start to become a bit of a problem.

The belly fat can very soon turn into belly obesity if not handled right and this can become a crucial health concern both in males and females. The problem is just as bad when the belly fat attacks younger people. The troubles that come with obesity are actually more acute when it starts in youth; most of the time these people do not live beyond their mid forties or fifties due to heart and related problems.

A fat belly is not only highly unattractive but also a bit of a health hazard. So what are the measures that you could take to fight it off or even prevent it? For one, there are no magic pills or weight loss programs that attack only the fat located in your belly. You can’t really just reduce the weight from the middle, you must think of it as an all-over change to your body

6 Steps to really help you in reducing belly fat:

1. Stop drinking alcohol. A “beer belly” is layers of fat caused by, you guessed it, drinking. Alcohol has more empty calories than most people realize. Try a low-carb or low-calorie beverage instead. Zero calories is the optimum number, and water is the ideal drink. To really notice a difference in skin quality around the abdomen drink your recommended 2 liters of water a day..up to 3 if you are really working out, or in a hot climate.

2. Watch your diet. Try protein with each meal. Eat many small meals rather a few large ones, ideally six meals a day instead of three. Practice portion control. Fat around the middle is still fat, and comes from the same place all the other fat comes from. The latest scientific research reveals the importance of protein centric meals.

3. Find a workout routine that combines cardio, weight lifting and stretching. Contrary to common belief, you can’t really “target your abs,” except for toning muscle. Fat loss has to be body-wide, and exercise is primarily to build strength and burn calories. One of the workouts you could try is our core exercises.

4. Take vitamins to boost your metabolism and help your body run more efficiently. Consider that stress and hormonal changes can lead to weight gain, and adjust your daily routine to compensate.

5. Eating, sleeping, relaxing, working – everything should be done in moderation. It is true that today we live in a highly competitive world where everybody needs to excel at what they do. However, as much as work is important, so is relaxation. You need to eat your meals in time; you need to have at least 6 hours ( that’s 8 hours ideally, ) of sleep per night and you need to de-stress your mind and body on a regular basis.

6. All these in combination would help you get rid of your belly fat. This is a slow progressive process, but if you stick at it you will see results within three to four weeks and depending on your starting condition you should be able to achieve the belly you desire within two to three months. Remember to be patient and to maintain a basic discipline in your day-to-day life. You should always aim to prevent the belly fat from building; but if you find yourself with an unwanted tire around your middle start your anti-belly fat measure today.

WHY focus on MUSCLE in Weight Loss?

Muscles do everything from helping you move and digest your food, to pumping nutrients throughout your body. So it is very important to keep them in good shape. We do this not only through exercise, but also through a diet that is rich in foods that aid muscle growth.

“Our heart, brain, skin and other organs are in a constant state of remodeling with tissue being built and broken down,” says Nancy Rodriguez, a registered dietitian and director of sports nutrition programs at the University of Connecticut. “Muscles offer a significant supply of amino acids to ensure these vital parts stay strong.”

There is a strong connection between muscle mass and good health says Robert Wolfe, director of Translational Research in Aging and Longevity at the University of Arkansas. “As we age, we tend to lose muscle, especially if we are not using it,” says Wolfe. “These losses eventually affect quality of life, our balance, strength and ability to recover from an illness or accident.”

Active muscles not only help cut your risk of developing diabetes or osteoporosis, but the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body can burn. Thus, preventing to accumulation of fat.

To keep your muscles strong and healthy you need the right combinations of food that support protein synthesis.

All 12 weeks for the Product system to reset & recharge the metabolism is $700, if you purchace retail or $530 (plus tax & shipping) wholesale - this includes 120 meal replacements and 6 bottles of support product - average FAT LOSS is 20-25 lbs mostly from the belly. The lifestyle plan beyond that is free. I recommend wholesale -that way it is less expensive and you control the product and order. I will help and support you as you request. Can you come to the next Workshop?  This program is easy and effective - like fishing in a well stocked pond with hungry big fish.

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