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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Renewal of CAUSE

I love Spring! And it is getting close! Imagine! The green you see at springtime is seen at no other time of year - it is fresh. It is vibrant. It is poised for Greatness. Spring is a time of renewal! It is a time of budding. A time of rebirth. And a time of waking up from a deep slumber. It is a symbolic time. A time of creative energy.

We look to Spring with anticipation. Why is that? What does it mean for us? It signifies a deep connection that we have with that inner power that God has placed within each of us- called Innate - it is a renewal.

Think of this for a moment: We are all connected to the God created vibrational energy of the Universe. We are all connected to it at a level that is difficult to explain. Someone once said that we are Human Beings having a Spiritual experience. I disagree. Wayne Dyer said that we are spiritual Beings having a Human experience. We are on this Human ride in the Amusement park of the Universe. And our ride is measured in nano-seconds. A blip. A small wrinkle in the fabric of Life.

So.......Spring is the perfect time for you to reconnect with Innate - the energy of the Universe - to be healed, and reaffirm your purpose. It is also the perfect time for you to make a promise to yourself that you'll not rest on your laurels until you've maximized your vitality and helped as many people in your community as you can. And you do this by connecting with people. Not by selling, not by fear tactics executed brilliantly in the name of Christ, not by glitz, not by marketing your brains out, and not by trying to "convert" them!

No. You do this at a level of communication where you are able to look into the eyes of your loved ones - the people in your circle with infinite love and understanding and have a total knowingness. And they read you! You are connected at a level which transcends head knowledge. Where you play at a level where people awaken and understand - I love that concept!

You see...getting what you want is not about more "stuff". No. It is about returning to what you are. It is about reconnecting with the energy which is the Universe - and you are an integral part of it - and, in Christ, we all are inter-connected. It is about you recognizing that same vibrational force inside you as resides inside each of us. When that happens, few words need to be said - your loved ones "get" what you do and what you are. You see...if you realized the Perfection that you are, you'd also realize that you cannot fail! It is not an option!!

Ok....I know that this is a bit "heavy duty" but it is vital for you to rise above your fight for survival and re-connect; then let people know you .

Let me tell you what I do. I am not afraid of being ridiculed. I'm not scared. I'm not worried about my image? I'm not shy. I'm not worried that I might lose respect if I open my mouth to speak? I am a chiropractor.

Listen....In case you didn't get this from my earlier posts - This is not some cool profession that I was lucky to stumble onto. No. This is a Cause. A crusade! I have a mission. Yes, I'm on a mission - to help as many people in my lifetime as I can - especially children!

My mission, which I'd like to remind you in case you forgot, or you haven't heard, is to save as many as I can!

Am I doing it? Am I living my mission? I have not yet obtained that which is set before me, but I renew my cause, and I want your help.

Listen.....Reconnect with that amazing power that turns the planets. Reconnect with your loved ones. I want to Communicate what I do. You need to get this: I am the only thing that stands in the way of total pharmaceutical domination of the planet. Some doctors I meet are afraid to tell their patients what this "chiropractic thing" is all about for fear that they may not be liked. Listen......I need to tell you this - I am not in practice to be liked. This is not some social club. I am not here to make friends. I am in practice to save lives. To save children and their parents.

Do you realize that when you re-connect this Innate Power to your Physical Body - LIFE HEALS! It is either you get this or be subject to human experimentation at the hands of the medical-pharma armada. Period. End of story! Are you up for the challenge? Will you help me share the story?

With all the love in the Universe, I am...

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