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Monday, February 14, 2011

How can I prevent obesity?

To keep from becoming overweight or obese, you need to maintain a balance between the calories you take in, and those you burn off. In order to maintain your weight, your caloric intake should mirror the following rough estimates:
Consume 10 calories per pound of desirable body weight if you are sedentary (very low activity level).
Consume 13 calories per pound of desirable body weight if your activity level is low, or if you are over age 55.
Consume 15 calories per pound of desirable body weight if you regularly do moderate activity.
Consume 18 calories per pound of desirable body weight if you regularly do strenuous activity.

A great way to maintain a healthy weight and to improve overall health is to consume a healthy balanced diet. This includes avoiding foods that are low in overall nutrients (such as candy and soda pop) and limiting intake of trans and saturated fats, cholesterol, sodium, and foods with a high glycemic index. The following are some general guidelines for a balanced diet:
Do not eat meat more than once a day - fish and poultry are preferred over other meats.
Avoid fried foods, which have high fat content from the oil they are cooked in; bake or broil food instead.
Limit your intake of salt and monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Eat plenty of fiber.
Do not eat more than 4 eggs per week; eggs are very high in cholesterol.
Limit desserts and other high-calorie foods that have little nutritive value.
Avoid alcohol, or drink in moderation.
Eat from all the food groups; eating too much of anything means you are missing out on the nutrients found in other foods.

For overall health, the American Heart Association recommends that the average person get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times per week or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three times per week. Moderate activity means participating in activities such as jogging, fast walking, or even things like raking leaves or washing windows and floors. Vigorous activities include things like playing basketball, aerobics, swimming laps, or even shoveling snow. For more information on maintaining a healthy weight, see the Healia Weight Management Health Guide.

Article from www.healia.com

If you are looking for assistance with a weight loss program go to www.wadechiropractic.com.

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