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Monday, August 15, 2011

Diet Recommendations for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition with symptoms which include muscle and tissue pain, fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances; it often mimics or appears together with other chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lupus, and arthritis. Recent data suggests that central sensitization, in which neurons in the spinal cord become sensitized by inflammation or cell damage, may be involved in the way fibromyalgia patients process pain. Certain chemicals in the foods patients eat may trigger the release of neurotransmitters that heighten this sensitivity.

Because many fibromyalgia patients have food sensitivities, eating a diet of fresh foods, devoid of preservatives and additives, may ease symptoms triggered by coexisting conditions such as IBS. Several studies have shown improvement of symptoms in fibromyalgia patients who followed vegan and vegetarian diets, although most of the patients in those studies chose to discontinue the diets after the study. Simply cutting back on the amount of red meat in your diet may help as well.

Fibromyalgia is believed to be linked to an imbalance of brain chemicals that control mood, and it is often linked with unrestful sleep and fatigue. Fibro patients may try to ease fatigue with stimulants like caffeine, but they may end up doing more harm than good in the long run.

Caffeine is a loan shark for energy.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon and a variety of fish, have been touted as a heart-healthy food, but they may help with pain, as well. Fatty acids reduce the inflammation and help brain function. A 2006 survey of arthritis patients found that daily fish oil supplements reduced pain symptoms in 60% of the patients. Omega-3s have not, however, been tested on fibromyalgia patients specifically.

Yeast, along with its partner in crime, gluten, can be found in a variety of baked goods. Consuming yeast may also contribute to the growth of yeast fungus in the body, which can contribute to pain. Fibromyalgia patients may also be more prone to gluten sensitivities. Celiac disease is seen in a subset of patients. Avoiding yeast and gluten can help some patients improve.

Some degree of lactose intolerance affects about 70% of adults worldwide, so it's not surprising that many fibromyalgia patients have trouble digesting milk and dairy products as well. In a 1998 study, researchers tested whether blood samples taken from 40 fibromyalgia patients reacted to substances found in various foods; the blood of 25% of the subjects demonstrated an immune response to cow dairy products. Patients on vegan diets have also been shown to improve symptoms.

A low-carb, low-sugar diet is less stressful on the adrenal glands and the pancreas. About 90% of fibromyalgia patients have low adrenal functioning, from toxicity stressors, which affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and may lead to hypoglycemia. These people crave sugar, but they also experience the crash that follows the initial energy high. If you're hypoglycemic, you want to keep that sugar level as stable as possible. Try to limit carbohydrates to the timed release or smart carbs with a mix of protein and fat.

The artificial sweetener found in diet sodas and many sugar-free sweets is part of a chemical group called excito-toxins, which activate neurons that can increase sensitivity to pain. Though aspartame isn’t dangerous to healthy people when consumed in moderation, fibromyalgia patients are already sensitive to pain, and aspartame may heighten their sensitivity.

Some artificial sweeteners, most notably sorbitol and xylitol, can trigger IBS as well. Since about half of fibromyalgia patients suffer from IBS, foods that irritate your bowel will trigger the body to send a message to the brain that signals fibromyalgia symptoms.

Food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) often cause trouble for pain patients. MSG—a high-sodium flavor enhancer often added to fast food, Chinese food, and processed packaged foods—is a an excitatory neurotransmitter that may stimulate pain receptors; glutamate levels in spinal fluid have been shown to correlate with pain levels in fibromyalgia patients. A 1995 report commissioned by the Food and Drug Administration stated that MSG may cause short-term reactions such as headaches, and a 2007 animal study in the journal Pain suggested that increases in glutamate in muscles may contribute to pain sensitivity.

The National Fibromyalgia Research Association recommends limiting or eliminating refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, red meat, and highly processed foods—in other words, most fast food, candy, and vending-machine products. In addition to contributing to weight gain and the development of unhealthy eating habits, these diet-wreckers may also irritate muscles, disrupt sleep, and compromise the immune system.

Experimenting with an "elimination diet" and cutting these foods out completely for several weeks—either one at a time or all at once—may help you decide whether they affect your fibromyalgia symptoms. It's also smart to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and to keep your weight within healthy ranges: Studies show that losing weight can improve symptoms in overweight individuals.

The Qivana MetaboliQ system is perfect to stimulate healthy lean muscle synthesis which is essential to prepare your body to burn fat naturally.

For more inforation – contact Dr Wade at drdavidwade@gmail.com or go to www.ALPaniRelif.com/fibro.

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