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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your Inner Ecology

Water Balance - Essential for Life

In April 2010 the BP Deep Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in a catastrophic offshore oil spill. Millions of barrels of oil have spilled into the Gulf since the explosion, representing an unprecedented environmental disaster. Many complex ecosystems are affected by the oil spill, ranging from the Louisiana bayous and associated wetlands to as-yet-unexplored deep ocean ecologies.
The Deep Horizon explosion has focused public attention on ocean, gulf, and wetlands ecologies. The grave threats posed to these environmental ecosystems can also focus attention on our own internal ecosystems.
We tend not to think of our human physiology in terms of ecosystems. But in fact the analogy is a close one. For example, water comprises approximately 70% of the earth's surface. The amount of water in the adult human body is estimated at between 60 and 70%. This is a startlingly similar correspondence. Water is the  basis for human physiology, as it is the basis for the existence of life on earth. Our physiologic water is subject to the same ecologic stresses as is the water in our external environment.
Human blood is composed of approximately 90% water by volume. Your body attempts to control certain characteristics of blood very closely. For example, the acid-base balance of blood is maintained within a very tight range - a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. Blood levels of calcium are also tightly controlled, within a range of 8.5 to 10.5 milligrams for every 100 milliliters of blood. Lower calcium levels will cause calcium to be leeched out of bone to restore blood levels to within the normal range.
Just as oil has been washing up on the shores of the Louisiana coastline for many months during 2010, your body's internal coastlines can be similarly breached. Prolonged elevated blood levels of cholesterol, for example, will cause cholesterol to "wash up" on the surfaces of cells lining the walls of small blood vessels. These endothelial cells normally constitute an effective barrier, protecting the structures of arterioles and capillaries. But these cardiovascular coastlines can be damaged by cholesterol "spills", resulting in formation of arteriosclerotic plaque and narrowing of small blood vessels.1
Similarly, high levels of blood glucose (as in diabetes) can cause these simple sugars to wash up on the shores of small blood vessels in the kidney, retina, and nerves. Serious damage to kidneys, the eyes, and nerves can result.2,3
Failure to take appropriate precautions and heed warning signs is the likely cause of the Deep Horizon explosion. In order for us to ongoingly maintain a healthy inner ecology, we need to do what was not done in this oil-drilling operation. Making proactive lifestyle choices is a key to creating and supporting an inner ecology that will reward us with long-term health and well-being.
Engaging in regular chiropractic care is a one such lifestyle choice that helps support a healthy inner ecology.
1Gooding HC, de Ferranti SD: Cardiovascular risk assessment and cholesterol management in adolescents: getting to the heart of the matter. Curr Opini Pediatr May 17 2010 (ahead of print)
2Shogbon AO, Levy SB: Intensive glucose control in the management of diabetes mellitus and inpatient hyperglycemia. Am J Health Syst Pharm 67(10):798-805, 2010
3Stolar MW, et al: Managing type 2 diabetes: going beyond glycemic control. J Manag Care Pharm 14(5 Suppl B):S2-S19, 2008



Monday, April 25, 2011

Making Healthy Food Choices

Most Americans eat too much and don’t get enough physical activity. And these habits have made us one of the heaviest nations in the world! Most of us would like to eat better and get more physical activity. But despite our best intentions, finding time in our busy lifestyles can be difficult and the numbers on our scales just aren’t moving.

Well, I understand you’re busy. So let’s start with small changes in your eating habits. Lets focus on making smart food choices. We’ve taken some research and summarized it for your quick and easy ingestion, including the USDA’s latest dietary guidelines for Americans and how to help improve your kids’ nutrition levels. Did you know that your eating habits also have a big impact on the long-term health of your eyes? Discover which vitamins help eye function and the natural food sources where you can find them.

Moving more and eating healthfully are easier when you create an environment supportive of your efforts. After reviewing the information, use the advice and tips to help slowly change behaviors in your home. If you need help with losing wieght, contact me drwade@wadechiropractic.com.

Information from America On The Move.

New USDA Guidelines Acknowledge Widening Waistlines

In February, the USDA released its new 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The seventh edition provides evidence-based nutritional guidance while acknowledging that more than two-thirds of adults and one-third of children in this country are either overweight or obese. The guidelines stress that improved nutrition, appropriate eating behaviors, and increased physical activity have tremendous potential to decrease the prevalence of obesity, enhance the public’s health, and reduce health care costs. The guidelines are used to develop nutritional education messages and to help policy makers design and implement nutrition programs. Following is a summary of some of the recommendations.

Achieve Calorie Balance:

Calorie balance over time is the key to weight management. Calorie balance simply means balancing calories eaten (foods and beverages) with calories burned (physical activity and day-to-day functions). To maintain the same weight, calories consumed must equal calories burned. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. Eat fewer calories than you burn, and you will lose weight. Visit www.dietaryguidelines.gov or www.mypyramid.gov to learn how many calories you should eat each day.

Create Your Own Healthy Eating Pattern:

Make food choices at home and away from home that are conservative in portion size, nutrient dense, and low in calories. If you are choosing foods that can help you achieve calorie balance and nutritional needs, then you may choose an individual eating pattern that you enjoy and can maintain over time. Some examples of eating patterns include a Mediterranean diet, the DASH eating plan, a vegetarian diet, or a diet that accommodates a food allergy or intolerance.

Cut Back on Fats, Sugar and Sodium:

Americans consume too much sodium, solid fat, and added sugar. Reduce your sodium by comparing Nutrition Facts panels and purchasing foods lower in sodium, consuming more fresh foods, and eating fewer processed and restaurant foods. Major sources of fat in the American diet include pizza, cheese, desserts, sausage, franks, bacon, ribs and French fries. To reduce your fat intake, consume fewer and smaller portions of solid fats. Major sources of sugars in the American diet include sodas, sports and energy drinks, desserts, fruit drinks and candy. Try consuming fewer and smaller portions of added sugars. The calories in alcoholic beverages also need to be included as part of total calorie intake. This leaves you even less wiggle room for calories from solid fats and added sugars.

Eat More Nutrient-Dense Foods:

Although total calories consumed is the key to weight management, it is also important to consider nutrients when eating for optimal health. Americans should eat more vegetables and fruits in a variety of colors. We also should increase our consumption of whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice. Choose fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy products, eat more seafood, and use oils instead of solid fats whenever possible. These food choices provide an array of nutrients, help control calories, and reduce risks of chronic diseases. Solid fats and sugars contain few essential nutrients and most people’s eating patterns can accommodate only a limited number of calories from these foods. These calories are best used to improve the taste of nutrient-dense foods, such as whole-grain breakfast cereals containing small amounts of added sugars, cuts of meat marbled with fat, poultry baked with skin on, vegetables topped with a pat of butter, fruit sprinkled with sugar, and fat-free chocolate milk.

Strive to Increase Physical Activity and Spend Less Time in Sedentary Behaviors:

Strong evidence supports that regular physical activity helps people maintain a healthy weight and prevents excess weight gain. Furthermore, physical activity may aid weight loss and weight maintenance, particularly when combined with reduced calorie intake. The amount of physical activity necessary to successfully maintain a healthy body weight depends on calorie intake and varies considerably. Adults should aim for the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. Even around the house or at work, it’s important to move more and spend less time doing sedentary activities.

Make Small Changes to a Healthier Lifestyle:

  • Focus on the total number of calories consumed daily.

  • Monitor food intake by studying Nutrition Facts labels.

  • Choose smaller portions or lower-calorie options when eating out.

  • Prepare, serve, and consume smaller portions of foods and beverages.

  • Eat a nutrient-dense breakfast.

  • Limit screen time, especially TV and video games.

  • Don’t drink sugary beverages.

  • Cook with small amounts of olive oil or canola oil instead of butter.

  • Replace some of the meat or poultry that you eat with seafood.

  • Serve slightly smaller portions of meat and grains.

  • Every hour, get up and walk around, even if that means taking a trip to the copy machine or to fill up your water bottle.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. 7th Edition, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, December 2010.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Sleep Problems?

The amount of sleep we each need varies and depends on many factors
including age. Infants generally require about 16 hours a day, while
teenagers need about nine hours on average. For most adults, seven to
eight hours a night is considered to be the best. However, some people
may need as few as five hours or as many as ten each day. Women in the
first three months of pregnancy often need more hours of sleep than

   Sleep loss can affect us in many more ways than we realize. It was
reported at a San Diego medical conference, by Dr. Sanjay Patel of
Case Western Reserve University that women who fail to get enough
sleep at night are at risk of gaining weight. In a long term study of
middle-aged women with 16 years of follow-up it was found that those
sleeping five hours or less per night were 32 per cent more likely to
gain as much as 33 pounds or more. In addition 15 per cent were likely
to become obese as compared to women who slept seven or more hours per

  Based on a 2005 survey by the National Sleep Foundation experts
suggest that teenagers and younger children are not getting the sleep
they need and can exhibit a variety of emotional and behavioral
problems that include moodiness, trouble concentrating and focusing in
school. Professionals may misinterpret these problems as
manifestations of attention-deficit or adjustment disorder rather than
sleep deprivation.

  The amount of sleep a person needs also increases if he or she is
deprived of sleep in previous days. While we may become adapt to a
sleep-deprived schedule, our judgment, reaction time and other
functions are still impaired. Experts say that if we feel drowsy
during the day, even during boring activities, we haven?t had enough

  If you routinely fall asleep within five minutes of lying down, you
may have severe sleep deprivation. The widespread practice of
?burning the candle at both ends? in Western industrialized
societies has created so much sleep deprivation that what is really
abnormal is now almost the norm.

  Going to bed at a regular time every night and getting up at the
same time every morning is a key to establishing proper sleep
patterns. Daily exercise of 20 to 30 minutes about five or six hours
prior to going to bed often helps people sleep.

  Proper diet and avoiding caffeine including non-herbal teas, coffee,
diet sodas, soft drinks and chocolate also leads to sleeping well. A
bad mattress can also cause sleep deprivation so make sure you have a
comfortable bed and pillow.

  For more information contact me, Dr. David Wade, DC. at 256.237.9423
or email drwade@wadechiropractic.com. Next month I will discuss some
more strategies to improve sleep.

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Love & Light!

Improve Your Health

It is human nature to opt for the path of least resistance.  It is in our nature to avoid pain and seek pleasure.  The problem is that the path of least resistance avoids the challenges that will help you grow stronger.

It is only when you apply yourself against resistance does your mind and body  get to the point where it grows into a state that makes you unstoppable.

When you apply self-discipline to your life and embrace struggle and resistance you will grow a great self-image and thus a great Attitude.  Resistance is a force multiplier if you embrace it with a great Attitude.

So how does that apply to better health?

In today’s society, many desire wellness, but many also feel that they are unable to achieve true wellness in many aspects of their lives.  Many people feel that there are too many difficult lifestyle modifications and choices for them to incorporate the concept of wellness into their lives.

We live in an age where wellness has many meanings.  Many people only attribute wellness with general good health.  Many consider financial wellness to be a key to a happy life.  Many consider spiritual balance to be true wellness.  The fact is, all are important aspects of wellness, but few know how to make the right choices to attain true, lasting, wellness.  I want to outline concepts for wellness that I believe are key to an understanding of how to be well physically, and to lay a foundation of true wellness  through Stabilization, Vitalization, and Optimization.

When discussing Stabilization, we must first understand what it truly means to Stabilize, and why this is important when undergoing any change.  This is true not only for the human body, but for any situation where a person or group of people want to bring about modification.  Stabilization is the first step of military operations, city planners, family counselors, emergency care providers, gardeners, law enforcement, preachers, and Naturopaths.

Naturopathic Medicine teaches us that the human body needs to be STABILIZED through gastrointestinal health before true wellness and lasting immune enhancement can occur.  A marriage cannot become balanced or healed without first stabilizing the situation to provide a means of communication and facilitate healing. Similarly, we cannot stabilize our health from the attack of viruses, bacterium, yeast, fungus, cancer, and virtually all disease without first stabilizing the gastrointestinal system with Probiotics.

Probiotics are being considered by most researchers to be the missing link in wellness.   The human body has friendly bacteria that are required not only for good digestive health, but also to maintain balance and alkalinity within the body.  Unless an individual consumes yogurt, buttermilk, and other food sources of Probiotics, that individual is most likely deficient in these friendly bacteria.   Lack of nutrition before and after birth, antibiotics, other medications, and stress have all been shown to effectively wipe out  this much needed beneficial bacteria.  Supplementation with Probiotics has helped thousands enjoy better health.  The source of Probiotic used, as well as the delivery system is imperative to the effectiveness of these supplements.  It is important to utilize the most effective human-strains of friendly bacteria that are delivered via a system that will bypass the harmful stomach acids that will render the Probiotics virtually useless.

When dealing with the principle of Vitalizing the body, we must first discuss why a body needs to be vitalized.  Just as it is important to vitalize a marriage in order to bring about wellness in that marriage, it is important to Vitalize the body in order for us to feel driven and motivated to carry out work.  I would be shocked if any marriage has been saved with a spouse buying tickets for a cruise when the other person in the relationship does not want to live in the same house.  First, we must stabilize the marriage, and THEN once stability and communication occurs, we can Vitalize the marriage with the cruise, hike, or time together in any fashion.

To vitalize the body is to bring about energy and stability, not necessarily to simply stimulate the body.  There are many sources of stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine, and a variety of drugs.  These substances do not bring about balance within the body, however they actually cause stress to the body and down-regulation of our vital hormones.

One of the most effective ways to Vitalize the body is through the use of Adaptogenic  botanicals.  Adaptogens are plants that have a variety of saponins and constituents that are known to bring about vitality and balance to the body.  One of the most popular adaptogens in the world is Panax Ginseng.  Panax Ginseng is an adaptogen that is unfortunately often combined with stimulants thus causing it to have a reputation as a stimulant.

True Ginseng can be taken before bedtime by a person suffering from insomnia with no ill-effects.  True Ginseng has over 28 active Saponins that have shown a variety of balancing, life-changing effects.  The balance that an adaptogen can have within the body is well researched.  Adaptogens often contain constituents that are powerful antioxidants, and often have cardiovascular and structural benefits.

Two other popular adaptogens are Chinese Skullcap, and an herb known as the Crown herb.  Both of these plants are relatively unknown by all but a few herbalists and natural practitioners, yet have hundreds of studies and scientific papers outlining their efficacy for over 45 different health conditions.  If we have stabilized the body through balance of our digestive Ecosystem, and can then Vitalize our body with Adaptogens, we can at that point begin to have the energy and desire to get out of the bed in the morning and set out to be productive and well.  Stabilizing and Vitalizing the body enables an individual to Break the Viscous Cycle of low energy and lowered immunity.

Once we have attained Stabilization and Vitalization, the last step is to Optimize the body, and one of the primary ways to achieve Optimization is to detoxify the body.  As in our troubled marriage that we have now Stabilized and Vitalized, the last step of the process is to Detoxify the marriage from the problems that caused issues to begin with.  If you first try to detoxify the marriage before Stabilizing or Vitalizing it, then you will find it impossible to bring about healing.  The Stabilization and Vitalization have laid an effective foundation for the marriage to Throw out the scars from the past, forgive the sins of each spouse, and Detoxify the marriage from unhealthy relationship factors that play a role in the original issues of the marriage.  A popular trend in natural medicine is to Detoxify the body.

This is important, however, many who start a detox program find that they get sick, have digestive disorders, and simply cannot continue the cleanse as a result of the side effects.  This is usually the result of introducing a cleanse to a body that has not first been Stabilized and Vitalized.  The main purpose of detoxifying the body is to rid the body of foreign substances that have accumulated over time due to an overexposure to chemicals and adverse environmental factors.  An often overlooked set of harmful substances found in the human body is the accumulation of heavy metals and radioactive elements.

These accumulations are being linked in current research to a myriad of health issues from Autism to Cancer.  These accumulations and galectin-3 interaction molecules that facilitate many types of disease have been shown to be inhibited effectively with a supplement known as Modified Citrus Pectin Extract.   With our bodies being exposed to so many elements that are of a chemical nature, a product that can rid the body of these elements through not only our gastrointestinal tract but also our bloodstream can change the chemical makeup of the body.  Once the body has undergone Stabilization through balancing the body with Probiotics, Vitalization using Adaptogens, and Optimization through Detoxification, it can truly enter into a realm of Wellness that few obtain.

It is my wish for you to enter into a life of Wellness through a Wholistic balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit.  It is important to Stabilize, Vitalize, and the Optimize every aspect of our lives, and to share this philosophy with others.

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You can contact drwade - drwade@wadechiropractic.com.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

In the United States, about 20 million people have been diagnosed with asthma; nearly 9 million of them are children. The most common treatment for Asthma has been the use of corticosteriod inhalers.

A new study found that breathing techniques can cut the use of asthma reliever inhalers by more than 80% and halve the dose of preventer inhaler required in mild asthma, research finds.

The new study, published in the journal Thorax, compared the impact of two breathing techniques on symptoms, lung function, use of medication and quality of life among 57 adults with mild asthma.

One technique focused on shallow, nasal breathing with slow exhalations, and the second technique used general upper body exercises, accompanied by relaxation.

The participants, who used a preventer inhaler and required reliever inhaler at least four times a week, were randomly assigned to one or other breathing technique.

Participants practiced their breathing exercises twice a day for around 25 minutes over a period of 30 weeks. They were also encouraged to use a shorter version of their exercises in place of reliever inhaler, and to use reliever if the exercises did not work.

Researcher Professor Christine Jenkins, of the the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, found that the use of reliever medication fell by 86% in both exercise groups, a process which began within weeks of starting the exercises, and was maintained over eight months. She writes: "Breathing techniques may be useful in the management of patients with mild asthma symptoms who use a reliever frequently."
By the end of the study, the participants dropped from using around three puffs of their reliever inhaler each day to approximately one puff every third day. Preventer dose requirements were also cut in half.
Tips to Reduce Asthma Symptoms

Use air filters to help clean air in your home.

Cover mattresses and pillows with dust covers and use hypoallergenic bed clothing to reduce exposure to dust mites. Choose a mattress like the BED BOSS Memory Foam Mattress which is htpo-allergenic and toxin free - Go to http://www.thebedboss.com/. If you choose a mattress, upon check out use the Coupon Code wc-2 for a 35% discount - you'll be surprised at the reasonable cost of the BED BOSS

Include foods with omega-3 fatty acids in the diet—such as fish or fish oil.

Supplement with vitamin C, which helps reduce allergic reactions and wheezing symptoms.

Get regular chiropractic care.

Dr Wade has a busy chiropractic practice in Oxford, AL - you can email him at drwade@wadechiropractic.com or visit the website at http://www.wadechiropractic.com/.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can Spinal Decay/Degeneration Be Reversed?

Looks like I need to find another analogy. Thousands of chiropractors have used the "rust on a car doesn't make more paint" analogy when explaining spinal degeneration to patients- you leave rust on a car, and it makes more rust. You keep a degenerating vertebra in the same condition, it will degenerate further. But a new study on cadaver spines suggests this may only be half the story.

Scientists took spines of people who died in their 50's to 90's and asked whether the ostephytes (bone spurs) from T5-L4 were there to keep the vertebra from compressing on the discs, or an adaptation to restrict movement in a direction that had been damaged. They removed the osteophytes to run the tests again, and after analyzing the results came to some surprising conclusions. Removing the spurs made compressing the spines a little easier- about 17%, but being able to bend forward, backward, and side to side increased from 35-49%. Those vertebrae with the osteophytes also scored 7-9% lower on bone density tests, suggesting that the calcification was lightening the load on the spine by acting as a bony support for it.

The researchers wrote that, since the osteophytes were a signal that the body had reversed the process that lead to their formation, the calcification seemed to be more of an adaptation to instability in bending than a "wearing out." This subtle, important difference has major implications for chiropractic. For one, calling something an adaptation signals that the body is intelligently growing and protecting itself from further damage. It also suggests that if the conditions are changed, the adaptation will, too.

Watch how the spine Adapts(Reacts) to the Progression of Stress...

The Good News!
This is a more accurate way of describing what we see in practice- that some of the "degeneration" on an xray seems to disappear after a year (or sometimes less) of chiropractic care not because we're tapping into some Fountain of Youth, but because we're changing the adaptation to instability. As we teach the body's neurology what the new normal is and improve the spine's biomechanics, the vertebrae become more stable and find they need the adaptive osteophytes less and less. This is also a positive sign for chiropractic's role in osteoporosis. If a vertebrae with osteophytes have a lower bone density, then allowing the body to adapt without the extra calcification means that the vertebral body will gradually take on more load (up to 17%, apparently) and be forced to increase its density.

Al-Rawahi, Maimouna; Luo, Jin; Pollintine, Phillip; Dolan, Patricia; Adams, Michael A. (2011). "Mechanical Function of Vertebral Body Osteophytes, as Revealed by Experiments on Cadaveric Spines." Spine 36(10) pp. 770–777; doi: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181df1a70

Credit: The GuerrilaHealthReport

Dear new friend,

We are thrilled and excited to get a chance to meet you. You are the reason we exist. Our purpose is to determine if we can be of service to you. Our goal is to be able to help as many people as we can and educate the public about the importance of maintaining a healthy spine.

So how important is having a health spine? The spine is the structural frame for your entire body. All motions depend on a normally functioning spine. Also, the spine protects the vital nerve lifeline carrying messages to and from your brain and body. A healthy functioning nervous system is essential for your immune system, all motions and the harmonious function of virtually every organ and tissue of your body. It is impossible to have maximum vitality without a healthy functioning spine and nerve system.

Your spine is subjected to stress from the time of your birth. Falls, accidents, repetitive positional micro-trauma, and stress can cause your spine to get out of alignment. Unfortunately, when your spine is not lined up correctly it can no longer move with ease. An orthopaedic surgeon told me, “motion is lotion for your joints!” Poor alignment negatively impacts spinal joint motion, and without the normal lubrication of movement – your spinal joints break down and go through a decay process that leads to untimely arthritis and disc damage.

Another common problem we frequently see is forward head posture – which leads to that unsightly hump behind your shoulders. Just imagine that “bowling ball” weight of your head constantly tilted forward from you working and continuously looking down. That leads to long term muscle strain, disc herniations, arthritis and pinched nerves. Avoidable, but unforgiving if ignored. Poor posture can affect breathing, heart rate, fatigue and balance. We can help these types of problems!

So how do you know if you spine is out of alignment? The attached video demonstrates how your spine is changed over time as a result of misalignment. When your spine is under stress from misalignment, we see the added force leading to common symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances, sinus trouble, headaches, indigestion or neck/back pain. If you have any of these symptoms you should definitely give us a call. Watch the video to see how your spine decays with stress.

Our web site www.wadechiropractic.com has access to downloadable videos and e books to provide you information about chiropractic, if your email we will enroll you in our e newsletter. We have an anti-spam policy, so if you ever choose to not receive our information just unsubscribe. If we can be of service to you please do not hesitate to call. Look for opportunities in the e newsletter to become a patient, refer your family or just stay informed. We appreciate the opportunity to be your family chiropractic doctor, and look forward to providing you service soon.

Dr. David E. Wade, DC, CCSP, CCST

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Pain of Depression

Many of us think of depression as a psychological condition. The causes of depression are sought in the person's childhood or in her personal circumstances as an adult. But within the last 10 or 20 years depression is increasingly being evaluated within a physiological context. Various disease states and physical disorders are being recognized as important contributors to depression. This viewpoint is empowering to persons with depression and often provides a way forward when progress has been minimal or absent.

Those with depression experience both physical and psychological pain. It is well-documented that chronic physical pain can lead to depression. Also, it is well-known that depressive states can cause physical pain. A feedback loop (vicious circle) is often created in which physical pain makes a person's depression worse and the person's depression makes the physical pain worse.

In addition, changes in brain physiology may cause a person to be depressed. In other words, abnormal electrical activity in the brain - which, of course, is not under the person's conscious control - may result in depression. The brain's electrical activity is evaluated by a method known as quantitative EEG (QEEG).1 For those with clinical depression, the QEEG often demonstrates too much slow-wave activity in the left front brain (prefrontal cortex) and too much fast-wave activity in the right prefrontal cortex.

For those with clinical depression, the light of the world is considerably dimmed. The mood of a depressed person is low and he loses interest in normally pleasurable activities. Depressive disorders interfere with a person's work and/or school activities, family life and social life, and overall health. Lack of energy, lack of appetite, and decreased physical activity are all associated with clinical depression.

An access to relieving chronic depression may be found in encouraging the person to begin to engage in physical activity.2,3 Such activity may be difficult for those who are severely depressed, and yet all persons with depression should be presented with this form of therapy.

Chiropractic Care Provides Multiple Benefits

Chiropractic care directly addresses nerve system functioning and improves the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system. Very often the result of such global improved functioning is a reduction in a person's chronic pain. Chronic pain relief is frequently of great benefit to those experiencing clinical depression.

The improved and enhanced nerve function provided by chiropractic care forms the basis for optimal health and well-being. By focusing on biomechanics, your chiropractor enables your body to begin healing itself across a wide range of systems.

As chronic pain begins to reduce and resolve, significant pressures are taken off your brain and other components ofyour central nerve system. Associated psychological pressures may also begin to be relieved and chronic depression many begin to be lifted as a result of reduced biomechanical stress and reduced physical pain.

In conclusion, chiropractic care may be of great benefit for those with clinical depression. The pain relief and improved musculoskeletal function afforded by chiropractic care may help reduce the physical component of ongoing depression.

Dr Wade has a busy chiropractic practice located in Oxford, AL. You can contact him at drwade@wadechiropractic.com. Sign up for his newsletter at http://www.wadechiropractic.com/, or speak to him directly by calling the office at 256-237-9423.

1Hargrove JB, et al: Quantitative electroencephalographic abnormalities in fibromyalgia patients. Clin EEG Neurosci 41(3):132-139, 2010

2Gill A, et al: Clinical Inquiries: Does exercise alleviate symptoms of depression? J Fam Pract 59(9):530-531, 2010

3Uebelacker LA, et al: Hatha yoga for depression: critical review of the evidence for efficacy, plausible mechanisms of action, and directions for future research. J Psychiatr Pract 16(1):22-33, 2010

Monday, April 11, 2011

Childhood Obesity

Reducing childhood obesity in the U.S. needs to be a #1 priority. Here are some ways you can help:

Parents: Set a good example. Instead of focusing on a diet for one child in the family, focus on improving the health of all family members by removing junk foods from the home, and preparing or purchasing meals that are low in fat and sugar. Serve lots of different varieties of fruits and vegetables; avoid frying food; purchase whole-grain breads and cereals; use fat-free milk for all family members over the age of 2. Restrict the amounts of meat, fish, chicken, eggs, beans and nuts to the serving sizes recommended by the USDA. The USDA website has information for all age groups and both genders, according to the amount of physical activity engaged in above your normal routine.

Limit TV and computer use to no more than 2 hours per day. Too much TV stifles a child’s creativity, and keeps them from getting necessary daily exercise. The new USDA guidelines for exercise say that we need to exercise ½ hour a day for good health, 1 hour a day to maintain weight loss, and 1 ½ hours a day to lose weight. Since overweight children often avoid playing with other children because of the teasing and tormenting they receive, you may need to exercise with your child. Take nightly family walks or bike rides, shoot hoops, skate, dance, or let them help you wash the car, give the dog a bath; rake or weed the yard. Purchase an inexpensive pedometer for each family member, and have daily challenges to see who can take the most steps.

Schools: Replace junk foods and beverages in vending machines with healthier snacks, bottled water, and fat-free milk or fruit smoothies. Change cafeteria menus to include whole wheat bread, more salads, fresh fruit or fruit smoothies, and veggie pizzas. Limit French fries to one lunch per week. Stop serving sweets at class parties and offer fresh fruit or other healthy choices instead. Ask teachers to stop giving candy as rewards for good behavior or good work, and give stickers or other types of non-food recognition.

Medical Professionals: Counsel parents of overweight children, and give them positive suggestions for healthy weight loss. Find out what the child eats and drinks in a normal day, and suggest healthier alternatives. Recommend limiting TV and computer use to no more than 2 hours per day. Suggest exercise activities for the entire family. If parents are overweight, make sure they understand the health risks for themselves and their children. Don’t accept the “we’ve tried everything to lose weight” excuse, but emphasize making healthy lifestyle changes instead of dieting.

Restaurants: Offer healthy choices, especially on children’s menus. Reduce portion sizes for adults, and charge extra for larger portions, or make smaller portions available at reduced prices.

Advertisers: Stop targeting ads for junk foods to children. Advertise healthier choices such as whole-grain cereals, and foods that are low in sugar.

Community Leaders: Work to increase the number of exercise facilities and playgrounds in your community. The more choices available, the more children will be likely to find activities they enjoy. Ask sports professionals, dance instructors or other athletes to volunteer their time to teach children.

Media: Run feature stories about schools with successful changes in food or exercise programs, and families who have lost weight by making better choices of food and exercising together daily. Prove that weight loss need not involve temporary restrictive diets.

Let’s work together to reduce childhood obesity and keep health care costs affordable!

Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments May Be Your Key!

You try to stay active, but you still feel stiff and locked up. Getting out of bed in the morning is a major feat and it takes a good 15 minutes to start moving freely. Could it be arthritis? Do you need a new mattress? Should you consult a physical therapist, an osteopath or maybe some other master spinal locksmith?

In your case, a Chiropractor may be the one holding the right key. In addition to alleviating nerve stress, one of the positive effects of Chiropractic adjustments is the restoration of normal joint motion. Unlike gross manipulative therapy, as done by PT's and DO's, a specific Chiropractic adjustment targets ONLY the parts of the spine that need work. Determining what segment to move, when to deliver the adjustment and how much force to use requires a skill set taught only in a reputable Chiropractic College.

You wouldn't use a sledge hammer to bust open your front door if the right key was handy to unlock it safely. The same goes for your spine. When it comes to unlocking a tough, painful back it's best to seek the advice of a master spinal locksmith (a DC) who knows what they're doing. In the long run you'll save time, money and frustration hiring the right person for the job. Until next time.

Dr Wade has a busy chiropractic practice located in the Physiciasn Care Building, 620 Quintard Dr, Suite 201, Oxford, AL 36203.  He can be reached for comments at 256-237-9423 - Dr Wade also provides courtesy phone consultations.  You can also correspond with Dr Wade at drwade@wadechiropractic.com or go to the web site at http://www.wadechiropractic.com/.

Four Resolutions for a Healthier Back

Eat more vegetables. Stress less. Take the kids out to the park more often. You may already have a long list of resolutions for the new year. This year, honor your spine, too. With the help of your doctor of chiropractic, these simple steps can promote a healthier back for the new year.

Consider replacing your pillow or mattress.

Do you wake up with aches and pains? It could be time to purchase a new mattress or pillow. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) recommends finding a mattress that evenly supports your whole body. There should be no gaps between you and the mattress when you lie down. When choosing a pillow, select one that supports your head and neck in alignment with the rest of the spine, whether you sleep on your side or back. Keep in mind that what works for your partner may not work for you— there isn’t one mattress or pillow that fits everyone. Simple adjustments, such as adding foam padding, can help tremendously.

Re-evaluate your posture at work.

Americans spend an average of 44 hours at work every week— often behind a desk. To avoid poor posture that can lead to tension, back pain, and joint problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, check that your chair is the right size and adjusted correctly, says the ACA. Do your feet rest comfortably on the ground? Does the chair offer lumbar support? Are you able to tilt or swivel easily while performing tasks at your desk? Also, be sure you have adequate light (so that you aren’t straining to see documents or a computer screen), adjust your computer monitor so that it is at eye level, and wear a headset for longer telephone conversations. And don’t forget to take frequent breaks and stretch throughout the day.

Learn how to lift correctly.

Many back injuries are caused by improper lifting of items such as luggage, backpacks or briefcases, storage boxes, or even groceries. But knowing how to lift properly can prevent serious injury. First and foremost, don’t bend from the waist. Keep your back straight, and squat to reach the item. Then, keep it close to your body as you lift, and avoid twisting motions. When traveling, check all bags that weigh more than 10 percent of your body weight.

Eat right and exercise well.

Eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise helps your body stay toned and tension-free— and promotes a healthy weight and a happier spine. Smart exercise and a good diet can also prevent osteoporosis, which affects over 20 million American women. To start, the ACA recommends eating out at restaurants less (to reduce the amount of unhealthful fats and sugars you consume) and adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet. Aim for a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, three or four days a week.



Friday, April 8, 2011

Breathing Exercises Improve Asthma Symptoms

In the United States, about 20 million people have been diagnosed with asthma; nearly 9 million of them are children. The most common treatment for Asthma has been the use of corticosteriod inhalers.

A new study found that breathing techniques can cut the use of asthma reliever inhalers by more than 80% and halve the dose of preventer inhaler required in mild asthma, research finds.

The new study, published in the journal Thorax, compared the impact of two breathing techniques on symptoms, lung function, use of medication and quality of life among 57 adults with mild asthma.
One technique focused on shallow, nasal breathing with slow exhalations, and the second technique used general upper body exercises, accompanied by relaxation.

The participants, who used a preventer inhaler and required reliever inhaler at least four times a week, were randomly assigned to one or other breathing technique.

Participants practiced their breathing exercises twice a day for around 25 minutes over a period of 30 weeks. They were also encouraged to use a shorter version of their exercises in place of reliever inhaler, and to use reliever if the exercises did not work.

Researcher Professor Christine Jenkins, of the the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, found that the use of reliever medication fell by 86% in both exercise groups, a process which began within weeks of starting the exercises, and was maintained over eight months.  She writes: "Breathing techniques may be useful in the management of patients with mild asthma symptoms who use a reliever frequently."

By the end of the study, the participants dropped from using around three puffs of their reliever inhaler each day to approximately one puff every third day.  Preventer dose requirements were also cut in half.

